Your Pledge to the Environment



G – Generate environmental awareness
R – Recycle as much as possible
E – Eliminate unnecessary waste
E – Energy conservation
N – Now is the time

Your Pledge to the Environment

I will do my part to protect planet Earth. I will make an effort to educate myself and others about recycling and the environment. I will lend a hand to the environment by reducing, reusing, recycling, buying recycled products, conserving energy and water and protecting my air and water. In this way I will be Making Every Day Earth Day.
We,  adopt responsible practices regarding the environmental impacts of our corporate activities. We set and continually review objectives and targets for achieving our goal to protect our entire global environment.
We seek to reduce environmental loads by efficiently using resources, saving energy, reducing waste, and encouraging recycling.

We strive to minimize environmental loads and adopt environmentally friendly technologies when ordering and purchasing necessary equipment and resources needed to operate our business.

We endeavor to use education programs to raise environmental awareness among all employees to ensure that they recognize the essence of this Green Policy.

We commit to making wide-ranging social contributions in close partnership with local communities by supporting environmental conservation initiatives.
                                                                                                        -Written by
                                                                                                Founder & President
                                                                                        UVA 2020 VISION SOCIETY

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